Would you like to give some feedback? You can send ideas or consider the questions below.
Send your feedback to info@soundmound.org
Does the SOUNDmound experience/Gör SOUNDmound-upplevelsen:-
• make you more aware of the shape of the fort/dig mer medveten om borgens form?
• give you a sense of being inside the fort/att du får en känsla av att befinna dig inne i borgen?
• make you feel comfortable/att du känner dig bekväm?
Sandby borg is a place where a massacre – dated to about 475AD – occurred. Archaeologists refer to the site as a place of difficult heritage/Sandby borg är en plats där en massaker ägde rum, runt 475 år före Kristus. Arkeologer refererar till Svåra kulturarv.
Does the SOUNDmound experience/Gör SOUNDmound-upplevelsen:
• help to process the knowledge of this violent act/att du hantera kunskapen om denna våldshandling bättre?
Is the SOUNDmound experience:-
• memorable/minnesvärd?
Thank you!!
This is one of several Experimental Heritage projects funded from a grant awarded within research, to Bodil Petersson, Linnaeus University, by the Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity (ref. nr. 20160056). The SOUNDmound is a Peace Work in collaboration with 150 performers, by musician archaeologist Frances Gill motherflute.org